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What’s the matter? My car ___.
One of the theatres in our city ___ now.
That house ___ a long time ago.
Jin said the room ___.
All the banks ___ on Sundays.
The documents ___ by 5 p.m.
We ___ on our way home yesterday.
My sister ___ to hospital tomorrow.
The cake smells so nice. It ___.
The conference room ___ at the moment.
When we arrived at the airport, we found that the flight ___.
The flowers in the flowerbeds ___ by this evening.
America ___ several centuries ago.
The floors in the office ___ every day.
An old woman ___ while she was living with her children.
I think the money ___ back in the nearest future.
My car ___ at the moment.
The exams ___ by 3 in the afternoon.
Olympic Games ___ every four years.
When we returned home, the walls ___.
Two people ___ in a car accident yesterday.
I ___ before.
Jill ___ if I don’t come to her birthday party.
I didn’t realize our conversation ___ to.
Jack said the letter ___ the next day.