Тест на неопределенные местоимения some, any, no; a lot of, much, many; (a) little, (a) few. Выберите правильный ответ: в каждом задании имеется пропуск, который необходимо заполнить, выбрав наиболее подходящий вариант ответа из представленных.
Упражнения на some и any Упражнения на much, many, (a) few, (a) little
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Упражнения на Неопределенные местоимения some и any — A1 Упражнения на much и many; (a) few и (a) little — A1
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Which bus should I take? ___ bus. They all go downtown.
There are ___ words in the composition. That’s not enough.
I wouldn’t visit that place. There isn’t ___ to see there.
There are ___ homeless people in our country.
___ animals are allowed at this hotel.
Mike hasn’t finished his dinner yet. There’s still ___ soup in his plate.
Are you going to take ___ things with you to the resort?
Can you give us ___ information about this computer?
It would be nice of you to write ___ words to your granny.
There has been ___ snow recently.
I’ve got ___ idea what to do.
How ___ time do you need to finish your project?
You can pay your bills at ___ bank.
There are ___ museums in our small town.
You need to have ___ money to travel around the world.
Are there ___ hotels in this area?
We have got ___ time before the meeting. Let’s check the documents.
The road is almost empty. There are only ___ cars.
Would you like ___ cheese on your toast?
___ was done to change the situation.
Andrew hasn’t got ___ interest in biology.
Everything is clear. We haven’t got ___ questions.
There should be ___ secrets between real friends.
Read the instructions, please. There are ___ important points to remember.
Nancy has been to ___ theatres in London.