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Sandra ___ to pass the exam as she was very well prepared.
My nephew is a musician. He ___ play the piano well.
Nick ___ ski when he was young.
Harry ___ to win a chess game playing against his father.
He ___ play chess well when he was young.
I ___ speak English but I can’t speak Arabic.
Jack ___ run away from a big angry dog when he was ten.
My granny ___ knit when she was little.
Mary is really talented. She ___ draw beautiful landscapes.
I’m sure Sue ___ to solve the problem.
I ___ memorize long poems when I was at school.
Mark is very strong. He ___ lift heavy weights.
Tim might ___ visit us tomorrow.
When we came into the house we ___ hear strange sounds.
We are sorry we won’t ___ come to the party tomorrow.
You needn’t have hurried. I ___ wait.
Mari has got a sweet voice. She ___ sing lovely romances.
There was a fire in the house but all the people ___ escape.
I ___ help with repairing your car if you want to.
Greg ___ read and write when he was 5.
I haven’t been ___ speak to Jill recently.
I ___ stay up all night when I was young.
Jack has never ___ skate well.
Sue has got lots of money with her and she ___ spend it all.
Although it wasn’t evident, I ___ spot the difference.